HQ is prominently framed against the Acmetropolis skyline. Despite the city
being the whole planet, it never seems much bigger than a regular city on a
superhero show, does it?
if I shouldn’t think about it, they shouldn’t mention it.
a train whizzes by. I could mention there’s no way in hell it got from where we
first saw to where it was in the distance a second later, but I think I’d
better pace myself. This is a two-parter, after all.
proves to be a train transferring supervillains. A loudspeaker warns a group of
guards, “Today we’re transporting four of the most dangerous criminals to a new
maximum security facility.” Which sounds like something everybody would’ve been
briefed on already, but then everybody’s a moron on this show.
villains are Sypher, Mastermind, Weather Vane (who was never actually captured)
and Massive. We’re informed, “They’ll be under the supervision of one of the
most courageous members of the Loonatics.” The show’s predictable joke powers
running full-tilt, this turns out to be Daffy.
blue wormhole suddenly appears in the train and sucks the villains inside.
They’re shit back out on some generic barren asteroid and find themselves
face-to-faceplate with this show’s idea of a master villain, Optimatus
only is that a woefully stupid name, but they hired Charlie Adler to do his
voice. Look, I have plenty of respect for Charlie. He’s got a good range, but
the one role he’s no good at is this one. He probably can’t help it, but the
way his voice sounds, there's this smarmy quality underlying all his lines like he’s parodying the kind of world-beating master
villain he’s supposed to actually be. Which is probably why this show’s one of
the few where he plays this kind of villain instead of a goofy one or a serious
villain’s goofy sidekick.
I never would’ve guessed that spelling from that pronunciation, but later we
have characters referring to him with nicknames like “Optomato.” Must make life a lot simpler when you can read people's names off a script.
![]() |
Wait, Daffy's voiced by...Peter Pan?? |
villain for the evening offers to let the four of them rule Acmetropolis “and
all its resources” if they’ll get rid of the Loonatics for him. The villains
huddle up and discuss the merits of throwing in with Optimatus, and even though
Massive notes he probably just wants to use them as pawns to take over
Acmetropolis himself, they agree to do his dirty work because the writing isn’t
sophisticated enough for them to do anything else. Even though Sypher tries to
cut a deal to be allowed to steal the other villains’ powers and handle things
by himself (which the other villains shut down).
gives his little task force a computer chip to insert once they take over the
Loonatics’ headquarters. Not what to insert it into, just to insert it when
they’re in the Loonatics HQ.
of Loonatics HQ, Daffy’s terrified of when Zadavia checks in and finds out how
the villains disappeared on his watch. Who put him in charge of that anyway? In-show
at least he’s supposed to be the least competent team member. Did Zadavia/Bugs
figure that was a job even he couldn’t screw up and gave it to him to give the
others some peace and quiet? Wouldn’t
that make this their fault, really?
for once the others are willing to cut Daffy some slack. Zadavia already knows
about the villains escaping and seems uncharacteristically worried when Daffy
tells her what happened, confirming something powerful and far beyond Daffy’s
control was responsible. She then disappears and we see where Zadavia lives, which
apparently is Center Neptune from Battle
of the Planets. She talks to herself about how she’s running out of time
and “he” is coming for her. Look lady, when your face is popping out of giant
billboards, you don’t seem all that concerned with laying low.
oh dear, are we finally going to hear the backstory of this character who never
existed before this show? Sorry guys, you waited a little too long, screwed up making certain characters sympathetic
or otherwise a little too badly, and
made your fictitious world way too
stupid for this to be worth the wait.
to the Loonatics and Daffy’s brandishing around a bunch of those laser guns
most of the Loonatics have no need for except for looking “cool.” He promises
to track down and recover the missing villains, with Bugs piping up, “I don’t
think so.” And what do you suggest,
Mr. Ace Hero Team Leader? That’s exactly what your exalted Zadavia told you
guys to do.
explains “this is just another sad, desperate attempt to kiss up to Zadavia and
hog all the glory.” Excuse me? All Daffy said was he was gung ho about finding
and recapturing the villains, as all of you should be. Lexi’s just seizing the
moral high ground because the writers seem to think she and the rest of the
team automatically have it over Daffy. Sorry writing staff dudes, despite what
twifans might have thought that’s not how characterization works. If one
character’s supposed to be less likable than the others, you have to actually
make the other characters more likable. And the other Loonatics are…nothing.
They’re not even stereotypes, they’re that flat and boring. Lexi herself just
comes across as kind of a bitch who’s overly concerned about looking fat in the
one or two other times the writers deemed to give her another character trait.
does agree to let Daffy go off on his own to find the villains, but only if
Roadrunner goes with him. Daffy refuses until Roadrunner plays on his ego,
saying he could be Daffy’s sidekick rather than his partner. After they’re
gone, Lexi voices suspicion that Bugs did that just to get Daffy out of the
way. He coyly replies he has no idea what she’s talking about.
don’t elaborate further, so let me ask, what’s the plan? There’s four
supervillains out there, all of whom were able to menace the entire team on
their own. And Bugs is depleting their powerbase to keep Daffy occupied and out
of the way for…what reason? If Daffy’s just dead weight when they’re facing
this big of a threat, why do they keep him around in the first place? PR
reasons or something?
Loonatics seem like they’re supposed to be basically a cartoon animal Justice
League, but nobody on the writing team seemed to understand that the reason a
superhero team puts up with a member who’s (supposed to be) an asshole is he’s
still useful to have around. Usually because of a reason like he provides
capabilities nobody else on the team does. But the show never asks that
question. Daffy’s an asshole because that’s always been his role, and nobody ever
even gets a moment where they get to display a different side.
awfully lazy and unobservant for people trying to create something to appeal to
the demographic hooked on the darkness and sophisticated writing of anime
shows, is all I’m saying.
doesn’t appear to have any plan in mind anyway, since he asks Wile E. to scan
for any power surge, gravity anomaly, anything at all suspicious. It doesn’t
take them long to detect Sypher raising havoc at the Acmetropolis Zoo, and they
jet out to confront him.
they get there, after trading some lame insults Sypher reveals he’s juiced up
for the confrontation by stealing some of the animals’ abilities. “The
kangaroo’s hop, the falcon’s speed, and the grizzly bear’s strength.” Wile E.,
not showing off much of that vaunted brainpower, tells Sypher to give up since
he’s outnumbered four to one. Maybe if it seemed like they’d actually brought
anything or developed any tactics to take into account his powers (let alone
the powers of the other villains they know are on the loose).
no, that’s just a handy opening for the rest of the villains to step out of the
shadows and announce their teamup with Sypher. Even though we already knew
about that. Look, it’s not a given that the villains would’ve teamed up, but
it’s a possibility. And one the Loonatics didn’t anticipate at all.
still being pretty early into an episode of an extremely mediocre action show, the Loonatics have forgotten all
about the tactics and/or devices they used to defeat these same villains
before and the villains gain the upper hand with ease. Bugs tries to zap Massive, even though none of them were able to hurt
him before, and gets smooshed against the ground. Lexi gets blown away by a
tornado from Weather Vane (although it’s purple like Taz’s spinning and for a
second I thought they’d fallen to fighting amongst themselves).
Taz tries to
throw something big at Sypher only for Sypher to throw something bigger at him
first. Wile E.’s so off-guard he doesn’t even guess that the silver dust
Mastermind blows at him is in fact nanites that start up his jetpack and smash
him into a wall.
Loonaturds wake up in Mastermind’s old cell. She gloats at this reversal. I’d
ask if the villains had to take over the prison and why they didn’t release the
other inmates because we never hear about that, but astoundingly we hear a
throwaway line later that the prison was shut down. No word of what happened to
the other inmates and if the villains were being shipped to a new jail just for
their ilk, but at least we got that one bit.
Craniac, you ever get premonitions? Cuz here’s a psychic flash!” So saying,
Bugs shoots his laser vision at the bubble. What the fudge…? What kind of witty
banter is that supposed to be?! What does that have to do with anything, or
what he actually does?
did he really think a jail cell intended for a supervillain wouldn’t give him any problems?
defenses? Nice,” Wile E. admits.
That’s pretty standard fare for supervillain incarceration. Shit, how long ago
did they publish Escape from Stronghold, anyway? Besides, the pods the villains were in when they were loaded onto the train
were supposedly responsible for neutralizing their powers. We didn’t see how
that worked, but that still sounds like the technology’s already been
implemented elsewhere.
did Bugs really think a super-genius wouldn’t lock them somewhere they couldn’t
just zap their way out of easily? Then again, this is the same guy who thought
she wouldn’t lock the obvious ways in after taking over their headquarters,
too. Way to go, idiots.
asks to be allowed to steal the Loonatics’ powers—and thus no more superheroes
to bug them--but the other villains still don’t trust him and leave him to
stand guard while they go to track down Daffy and Roadrunner. The three
villains easily get inside Loonatics HQ by having Mastermind use a hologram to
make herself look like Daffy.
another element of bad world-building I probably should’ve touched on before.
That is, when super high-tech stuff is everywhere,
these gadgeteer types likes Mastermind and Wile E. don’t seem so special. These
characters are a lot more notable in a modern setting where things like laser
rifles and hoversleds aren’t commonplace. Or if they are available, it’s only
to people like large-scale peacekeeping organizations or well-funded criminal
how little focus the aspects of life in Acmetropolis that don’t involve super
battles get we admittedly haven’t seen a lot of examples, but they’re still
there. Like how antigravity technology’s used for snack carts in this show. For
these kinds of characters to stand out still in this kind of setting, you
should probably make an effort to show where the lines are drawn between common
future-tech and super genius future-tech. But of course, they didn’t do that.
plugs Optimatus’s gizmo into a slot in a computer bank because “That looks like
a fit.” Would it even have mattered what it was plugged into? Probably not,
with the shitty decision-making with future-tech I just got done whining about.
about then Daffy and Roadrunner come back after having given up on looking for
the villains. The door refuses to let Daffy back in because it thinks he
already is in, but opens up when
Roadrunner lets it scan his face (good thing there are no other anthropomorphic
animals on the entire city-planet).
that’s another thing. As they go in we see these meters on the wall behind them
that say “New Acme” and “Los Acme.” What the hell are those? Are those the
names of places on Acmetropolis? If they are then once again, why in the flying
fnck is every location the Acmetropolis reservoir/zoo/power plant/jail/mini
they head into the meeting room Zadavia pops onto a monitor and warns them to
get out, but this seems genuine since right then the villains attack them. So
what did Optimatus’s chip thingy do?
we’re farther into the episode now the villains start becoming less of a threat. Massive and Weather Vane take each other out with their respective blasts,
giving Daffy and Roadrunner the chance
to escape. Never mind that their powers are teleporting and super-speed,
meaning they should have the least trouble of running away from people of any
of the Loonatics. In any event they give the villains the slip, and Roadrunner
magically figures out that their buddies have been captured and taken to
Mastermind’s old cell.
to the cell and it looks like Bugs and Wile E. were trying to disable the cell
from the inside. Which is yet another stupid oversight for a super-genius, and
doesn’t matter anyway because that’s when Daffy and Roadrunner show up. Bugs rather loudly tells Daffy to keep Sypher
busy while Roadrunner tries to hack the security code to get the rest of them
out. You make me glad I’m dead by the time all this happens if you’re the one
I’d be counting on to save my life, Bugs.
for them Sypher’s a moron and falls for it, jumping around trying to catch
Daffy like a clod without all the speed and agility he took from the zoo
animals. And whatever he took it from has to touch him again to take it back,
so did Mastermind make him climb back into the zoo cages and give back everything
he stole?
Daffy slips up and Sypher absorbs his powers, and threatens to zap into the
bubble and do the same to them. Luckily for them he’s still a moron and decides
to wait on the easy pickings when Roadrunner reminds the villain he’s still
there too. While he chases Roadrunner around, Wile E. realizes he knows the
secret code to open the cell after all, and tells it to Daffy. The code?
Mastermind’s old locker combination, which she shared with Wile E. back when
they knew each other in college. The resolutions in this show are so dumb!
other villains show up and the expected battle royale begins, but the Loonatics
soon decide discretion’s the better part of valor. Both groups make it to the
surface but then Optimatus appears in a menace-destroying rainbow beam just
like Zadavia’s. He berates the villains for failing to do their job and creates
another wormhole to send them back to the asteroid from the beginning (and when
they come out the other end it’s the exact same footage as before).
jumps in after them and gets pulled along for the ride, trying to get his
powers back from Sypher, but evidently grabbing his legs doesn’t count and
Daffy doesn’t get his powers back yet.
appears to the rest of the Loonatics in person then, and says Optimatus is her
brother. They’re completely blown away by this, even though from everything
we’ve seen they barely know anything about her,
Join us next time for part two!
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That's how I look in reaction to anything this show wants me to believe. |
Join us next time for part two!
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