
Friday, December 7, 2012

Loonatics Unleashed - Stop the World I Want to Get Off

We begin at the Bank of Acmetropolis. The only one for the entire planet, I’m sure. Bet I don’t need to tell you where this is going.

A kid makes his first bank deposit ever (and look, his mom’s the lady who Roadrunner stole the pet from in "Attack of the Fuzz Balls". Talk about limited character designs). He drops a coin into a little dish which then teleports it to the other side of the banker’s window (who appears to be Ben Stein’s descendent). Wow, how ridiculously extravagant. What if you’re there to knock over the bank and drop something explodey in the dish?

Oh sure, there’s a small army of security guards with very obvious weapons around. And going to the bank appears to be like going through airport security now. But I bet you twenty bucks that won’t make one bit of difference to the gigantic guy in the green trenchcoat and sunglasses we see.

Fingers on triggers, with all these valued customers around?
This is Massive, a supervillain who can control gravity, which he uses to make the guards’ guns stick to the floor. Mainly I’m wondering why he bothered to disguise himself at all, since blue doesn’t appear to be an ethnicity even in The Future!!

Oh, and he's voiced by Michael Clark Duncan.

With all the guards stuck to the floor and all the customers stuck to the ceiling, Massive waltzes into the vault and steals a cart full of gold bars. And the kid’s nickel. Hmmm, I’m kind of starting to enjoy this villain, actually. He’s as one-dimensional as anybody, but I can understand his motivation. He’s just a big bully and nobody can stop him from taking whatever wants. He doesn’t want to destroy the world because he couldn’t star in the fricking weather forecast, or terrorize people with trendy pets for flimsily-established wrongs. Maybe the ludicrous villains would work better if the show was actually trying to be ludicrous.

We cruise over to the Loonatics’ HQ, where Daffy’s looking forward to the semi-finals of some futuristic sport called “basherball.” Which consists of guys flying around in little motorcycle things, sucking up a ball and shooting it through a spinning goalpost.

Why do sports in The Future!! always look so dumb? Am I the only one who thinks Red Dwarf came out ahead for never letting us actually see any Zero-G Football?

The game’s being sponsored by a gentleman, who…hmm.

You see, I tend to review in two different styles. (Allegedly) Fair and balanced reviews, and reviews like the ones I do of this show and the Twilight books where I set out with the intention to be nasty to my subject. Either way, I’m in the habit of ignoring any information not available in the work itself (unless I'm doing the second kind and it gives me new chances to mock it, then I have no qualms whatsoever. It almost always sounds like nothing but lame ass-covering anyway). Hence my decision to largely ignore behind-the-scenes explanations of how the Loonatics aren’t actually supposed to be the Looney Tunes characters in yet another wacky setting, but their descendants. The couple times they do bring that up in-show, it’s either a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it thing that lasts two seconds, or they’re talking about some version of franchise history that sure as hell wasn’t what I grew up watching.

But a big part of the reason is right here. See, the guy hosting the game is a Mister Leghorn, and he’s…not a rooster. He’s a human. Which means, somewhere down the line, Foghorn Leghorn’s …forget it. If you think I’m obligated to think about that and factor it into my observations, I politely invite you to sit on your middle finger and spin.

But the game’s interrupted by Zadavia popping in to announce Massive’s crime spree. Daffy asks if the mission can wait til halftime, and Zadavia irritably replies in the negative. I’m not saying she should let them sit around and watch sports while bad guys are on the attack, but why is she insisting on Daffy’s participation? Usually the comedic member on a superhero team can still pull their weight in a fight, you see (in the ones that don’t suck, anyway). His only offensive ability creates projectiles with completely random contents, apparently, including orange juice. It’s completely up to chance whether he’ll defeat a villain or simply annoy them. He uses his only other evident power to run away when he gets in trouble. Why is he on the team in the first place?

Note also that Zadavia sucks at her own function, since she only mentions that a thief is at large, leading Lexi to ask if that isn’t the kind of thing the cops can handle on their own. Which requires Bugs to point out that’s not the case if it’s a supervillain. Damn, lady! Would it have been so hard to add “and he’s doing this by sticking anyone who tries to stop him to the ceiling”?

The Loonatics run into Massive at a museum, where he tries to squish them between the floor and ceiling. Strangely he doesn’t force them onto the floor with his powers like he did with the guards, meaning they’re free to shoot off their energy blasts at the various exhibits he throws at them.

Which is very weird, because after a little bit of this the building starts to cave in and rather than pursue Massive, who’s fleeing with a giant Faberge egg or something, the Loonatics evacuate the guards. As they’re fleeing, Bugs barks out, “Duck, don’t just stand there with your hands in your feathers! Grab something!” As in, try to save some of the exhibits. This leads to Daffy “comically” being zapped by the security system, but everyone else is conspicuously running out empty-handed. Except Taz, but him I’ll forgive because he’s carrying the chunk of floor the guards are stuck to. Nope, Daffy’s the only one trying to save priceless works of art. Not even Roadrunner. And hell, not two minutes ago Bugs was blowing up those same exhibits up with his laser vision. Good one, Loonatics.

Sure Bugs, just run. That's what you're good at, isn't it?
But let nobody say I don’t try to be fair to these things. Bugs and Zadavia suggest that to catch Massive, they need to make sure the fight is on their terms and not his. Not exactly Patton, but at least they’re finally trying to give the so-called leaders some strategic chops. A little.

They say money is the bait they need. After all, the artifact he swiped from the museum was worth “a hundred and fifty million quasar-linium.” What…? Does Bugs have super art appraisal powers? He continues to try to pretend he has witty banter powers. “I’m a little short. Got any pennies in your piggy bank, Zadavia?” He suggests they “make a very public investment.”

Not to mention the most obvious trap ever, as “Mr. Mallard Megabucks” soon makes a donation of gold bars to some kind of “luxury rocket industry” right out in the open. I mean, not only are the Loonatics the only evident anthropomorphic animals in Acmetropolis, they’re there in costume. Lexi’s “disguise” is wearing a dress and a bow over her superhero outfit, for crying out loud! How seriously am I meant to take this? Ulysses 31 serious?  Captain N serious? Yes, you can have effective drama, comedy and pulse-pounding action all in the same show. But this was concocted to make the Looney Tunes appealing to the anime-viewing crowd, was it not? Which are so much more grown-up than American cartoons, right? Then why does every episode feel like a rejected script from the 80's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Wile E.’s even pushing around a snack cart at this ceremony. A snack cart at a donation ceremony?? Is that normal in 2773? I get it, he’s actually hiding a gun in it to nullify Massive’s gravity fields. But a snack cart at a donation ceremony???

Massive shows up, but rather than trying to surround him or anything, Bugs and Lexi immediately charge right up and launch some one-liners at him. Predictably, his rejoinder is better than Bugs’s lead-in.

Bugs: “Didn’t your mother ever teach you money can’t buy happiness?”
Massive: “She did. That’s why I’m stealing it!”

I said it was better. I didn’t say it made any sense.

Bugs tries his laser vision on Massive, but he proves to be nigh invulnerable because of his dense body. This makes Bugs go for his sword, complete with a lot of pointless twirling, and all I’ve got to say is forget it. This is a kids’ show and he’s not a robot. As I and everyone with any exposure to western censorship practices predicted, Massive easily swats Bugs aside without even using his gravity control.

Taz proves able to knock Massive around with his tornado mode, and Bugs orders everyone to attack while Massive’s getting back up. They tried to set up a trap so they’d have the upper hand, and they didn’t surround him, they all attack from one direction (then again, that does seem to be their idea of surrounding an opponent)? Making it easier for Massive to stop their frontal assault cold by levitating them all off the ground.

All of them except Daffy, but Massive explains “all their weight has to go somewhere” when he slams Daffy to the ground with his powers. He then starts levitating the rest of the team toward the moon. Bugs stupidly asks if Wile E. can make them heavier, with Lexi stupidly adding that she’d prefer if he does it without making them look fat. Ha! One-dimensional female stereotype, there you go again.

Now they can survive in a vacuum, apparently.

Gee, they wouldn’t be in this fix if Wile E. had kept his special gun handy, would they? Why was it still in the food cart when they charged Massive? Is it really heavy or something? Did he think that was less conspicuous of him?

Bugs calls Daffy and asks him if he can get to the gun, but Daffy can’t. He can still use his teleporting power to get into the cockpit of the handy rocketship at the ceremony and fly after them, though (thank you, show, for proving me wrong about his usefulness to the team. At least in non-combat circumstances). Bugs laser visions his way inside and they crash, then get the gun and fix themselves.


They try to figure out where Massive might strike next, and when Daffy whines about missing the basherball game Bugs figures Massive might try to steal the trophy the winning team gets. The Loonatics get permission from the game’s sponsors to use it to set another incredibly obvious for trap Massive, evidently, with how the next ad we hear plays up “the biggest, most expensive trophy in the world” is the prize. If they’re taking Massive’s ego into account and how he’s so sure of himself he’ll take the bait even though he knows it must be a trap, it’d be nice if they hinted that to the audience at all.

Please also allow me to point out our purported heroes are setting a trap for an incredibly powerful, nearly indestructible supervillain at a place with what appears to be thousands of spectators. Not to mention wealthy professional athletes and sponsors to take hostage.

Count all those casualties waiting to happen.

You guys aren’t very good superheroes.

But let me balance that with something of an apology. In “The Comet Cometh” I ragged on Acmetropolis’s apparent lack of contact with other planets based on Wile E. needing to invent a spaceship for them to stop the meteor. Here, we see that the home team (the Rangers) are apparently playing against aliens (the Manglers). I still don’t see why it’s so surprising that something from the depths of space would be made out of an element you’ve never seen before, though. Even if it wasn’t created deliberately.

What's a mansler?

The show shoots itself in the foot when it lays out the trophy’s value, “two hundred fifty-thousand quasar-linium.” See, Bugs noted that Massive’s robberies kept getting bigger; he stole one hundred million from the bank, the thing he stole from the museum was worth one hundred fifty million, and the gold he stole at the first trap was worth two hundred million. Whoops!

And wait a minute, it's not just that one bit of dialogue. The gold Massive stole from the bank had a handy pricetag on it too.

The one from the donation ceremony had one too.

Were the numbers smaller originally, then somebody decided they didn't sound impressive enough and none of this stuff was caught?

The Loonatics are at the game for when Massive shows up, of course, but this time they’re not making any effort to disguise themselves at all. Yeah, it was embarrassing last time, but at least they tried. Sure there’s tons of people in the stands, but if they’re supposed to be this well-known and respected team, wouldn’t they be surrounded by fanboys and autograph hounds?

If you're not going to make an effort, why should I?

And as long as I’m attacking everybody else’s competence, there appears to be nothing keeping the players from accidently firing an errant ball into the crowds. Yeah they don’t do a lot to prevent that in baseball or football games, but the ball isn’t shot out of cannons there. To say nothing of players crashing into the stands on speeder bikes.

Because not only is crashing into the other players allowed, punching them is too. The commentator even says “we can clearly see why it’s called basherball!” at this.

Massive shows up in the middle of the arena and immediately pins half the guards to the ceiling and the other half to the floor. Although they don’t actually seem that serious about the give-and-take aspect of his power when he tries to levitate away with the trophy, and doesn’t have to displace the weight anywhere.

Taz attacks Massive from behind (something he seems inordinately good at, considering what we saw of his wrestling career), and Roadrunner starts zipping around the arena and has no problems kicking Massive from wall to wall. Which seems wrong for such a whisper-thin guy to be doing to someone whose invulnerability comes from molecular density. Unless they’re also saying Roadrunner has super-strong legs or something to account for his speed, but funny how no other super-fast hero has ever done that. He’s isn’t even so fast that Massive has any trouble getting him in a stick-to-the-floor field with his first shot.

Massive pins Wile E. too, and apparently he can still talk but not use his anti-gravity gun on himself, because a second later Bugs asks if he’s okay and Wile E. responds “Define okay.” Uh, dude? Your power is to recover from any injury. Up to and including being reduced to a pile of ash. You’re only stuck to the floor. Relax.

Obviously the face of someone in crushing pain.

The battle continues until all the Loonatics except Bugs are trapped in Massive’s fields. Because they’re not very good superheroes and have apparently never heard of dodging attacks, even those of them who don’t have miraculous healing powers. Bugs shoots some laser vision at Massive, who actually flinches away even though we’ve seen several times how the best the Loonatics can hope to do is knock him around. He even laughed at Bugs for trying that impotent attack a minute ago.

Massive calls Bugs a “flea-bitten rabbit,” and our stalwart hero retorts, “That’s ‘bunny’, doc!” Hey, if you insist on the one that sounds wussier, who am I to tell you no?

In what I guess is supposed to be the give-and-take aspect of Massive’s powers at work, when he accidentally shoots the levitating trophy in an effort to hit bugs, he restores it to normal gravity and it smashes him into the ground. This gives Bugs the chance to slap on some power-neutralizing handcuffs, give him “a little bling bling, for your trip to Sing Sing.” Oh my god that was lame, and I’m sure this show’s target audience was just brimming with people familiar with New York correctional facilities. Let alone the people in the world of the show.

With the villain captured, looks to be time for the last limp joke shows like this always foist on their audience. Mr. Leghorn’s so pleased with the Loonatics for saving the trophy he offers them a reward, but in typical 50’s superhero fashion Bugs replies they don’t accept reward money.

But the joke, as you may have guessed, is Mr. Leghorn didn’t mean money. He meant a lifetime supply of his down-home chili recipe, which he has in a gigantic can right there and pours straight into Taz’s mouth. And some splatters on Daffy. Because evidently that’s hilarious.

(Couldn’t you just choke on all the infidelity and frustration at life in that episode?)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Villains and Vigilantes - Final Fight With the Furies

***This review of an RPG adventure is for potential GMs’ eyes only***

Wow, how long’s it been since Villains and Vigilantes published a module with a sequel in mind? Death Duel with the Destroyers? FORCE?

Although if those adventures are any indication, I’m not sure how much to look forward to Black Souls’ Abyss, what with how none of those sequel adventures quite lived up to their predecessors.

But let’s start at the beginning. To help this adventure feel more epic, there are several scenarios for solo PC’s to have initial encounters with the various villains they’ll be meeting later as opposition in the main adventure. In fact there’s sixteen pages worth of this kind of stuff. That’s a pretty lengthy setup.

Then again this is a pretty lengthy adventure, and the villains have a bench deeper than the Crushers’. Not to mention these guys would eat a lot of the other villain teams in this game’s published material for lunch. Not just because of sheer power either, although they’re certainly not wanting for that, but because of the variety of unconventional abilities the Furies have too.

Villains aside, this thing goes all over the place. There’s plenty of encounters in the PC’s hometown, but then it goes to a ghost town in the boonies of Arizona, to the Middle East, into the depths of the Earth where creatures of a society long forgotten once trod.

And, as noted, this is only the first half of the adventure, and this one even takes space to explain that “cosmic” superhero adventures don’t only include the kind where the players are Thor and Silver Surfer, cruising around the universe picking fights with primordial beings (nonetheless it does include a list of powers that would be extra-handy to have out in space. Where was that in From the Deeps of Space?). Meaning that the rest happens out in space, and there are some general tips about how to create a properly expansive universe, mainly in terms of preexisting alien bad guys and the stories behind them (strangely, the list includes Extractor from Most Wanted 3, but seems to be forgetting he’s the leader of an entire team of alien villains) and the aforementioned list of useful space powers.

But I’m supposed to be talking about this adventure, aren’t I? Final Fight with the Furies takes the PC’s all over, and it provides a nice break from the “initial encounter with villains, track villains to their hideout for a knock-down drag-out fight” formula that describes a lot of older published adventures for V&V. It’s potentially a little overwhelming with everything this part alone contains, though, since it also has a rather elaborate internal mythology. Most of it completely original, too, with a few fairly minor ties to the Arthurian mythos. Depending on the group it might make the most sense to run it as a campaign on its own, rather than to insert it into a preexisting campaign.

I don’t know, but I just don’t find the module’s mythology particularly compelling. Stuff about the people of ancient Atlantis being part of a governing body concerning human civilizations on different planets, and plots of assassination by the disciples of an evil wizard, and the Knights of the Round Table tying their origins back to these people…I can’t see myself running this, or particularly enjoying the story behind what’s going on if I was playing in it.

 I do like a lot of the characters, and could definitely see myself using some or all of the Furies as well as the main villain and his personal flunkies in adventures of my own devising. But speaking of characters, if you’ve looked through the villains in FGU’s freebie section the name “Baen Kudarak the Dreadlord” may be familiar to you. Well, that’s him on the cover. As you can probably guess, Anarch, the villain from the freebie section, figures heavily into this adventure himself. I dunno, that seems like kind of a copout in something I paid for.

Not bad, but I’ve seen better.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Loonatics Unleashed – The World is My Circus

Let us return once again to that terrifying world of the future, Acmetropolis, for another embarrassing outing with those most deservedly forgotten heroes, the Loonatics.

A pink spaceship floats over the city/planet, while a voice booms out over the rooftops boasting of containing the greatest show in the universe. And it depresses me to say this, but this gaudily-clad figure is the Ringmaster, voiced by none other than Tim Curry. If I squint really hard I can kind of pretend Skull Master and Freako the Clown fell into the Brundlefly machine together, which made this a little easier to get through. Pay attention to that modifier.

He unveils the pride of his show, the “galactic oddities” which are each a mix of two regular animals. They do this thing where they all ride around on a big beach ball and switch positions, which didn’t strike me as particularly impressive since I’d just seen and hadn’t had a chance to get used to these monsters. So I wasn’t really able to remember which was where in between switches.

Then the Ringmaster brings out his dwarfish sidekick Otto the Odd, who’s the target in a knife-throwing act. Sort of. One of the monsters sucks up some kind of yellow balls in its trunk and shoots them at him, but I have no idea if those balls are supposed to be dangerous or not so the effect is largely wasted.

As the spectators are leaving, Ringmaster tells Otto to turn on the “sonic DNA scrambler,” and a kid is turned into some kind of crocodile-goat thing that our villains then show up to collect. Brilliant scheme there, guys. You not only couldn’t just do this to somebody who hadn't attended your show, you had to go pick them up in the same clothes you wore at the performance. In a city with a known superhero team, yet.

Granted, not a particularly effective team by anyone else's yardstick except maybe Bananaman’s, but still…

Back from theme song, Ringmaster sends Otto to feed the monsters their slime, and from the back Otto’s outfit is colored like the Ringmaster’s. One monster, some kind of chameleon/monkey hybrid, has gotten out of its cage and slips past Otto. When he complains to the Ringmaster, wondering how “she” got out of her cage, Ringmaster claims responsibility (“I let it out”) and laughs claiming “She’ll lead them right to us.” Although we’re going to wonder how that critter was captured in the first place once we find out who it is.

You see the inconsistency in those sentences? The guy paid to didn’t.

Over to our “heroes,” where Wile E.’s invented what sounds like a gun that shoots sticky slime to trap villains. I don’t think I mentioned this before, but his character’s gag, apparently, is that everything he invents has a name like “the science electron glucose hydro projector” something-thousand. At least, I think that’s supposed to be a joke. With this show’s bass-ackward priorities, it’s hard to tell.

Hey, you asked what it was. Why you lookin' so annoyed, Lexi?

Daffy complains about everyone being in their meeting room, but no sign of Zadavia. Lexi retorts, “Patience, is a virtue, duck,” and he retorts right back with “What are you, a fortune cookie?” Even Bugs is on Daffy’s side, since what kind of mission-dispenser is late for meetings?

Lexi tells everybody to shut up because she hears “something I don’t like.” This proves to be the lizard-monkey thing, and as it de-camouflages off the wall alarm bells start going off. For about five seconds. Daffy tries to zap it, but Bugs catches it and noticing the tag on its collar for the circus, they decide to take it back. All six of them. Even though they’re expecting a call from Zadavia.

They fly their jetpacks up to the circus ship and drop off the lizard-monkey, and Ace decides it’s trying to lead them somewhere and the team follows it into the area where all the other mixed-up monsters are kept. Bugs fails at witty banter once again when he notes, “Something in this place smells fishy. Oh, that’d be you.” Because he’s next to a fish tank holding some kind of camel-fish. Get it?

A couple vulture-rhinoceros things come in, and when Daffy tries to give back their little acquisition, they punch him, which leads to a quick little fight the Loonatics easily win. Probably deliberate on the villains’ part, since when the Loonatics enter the next room they find a log of genetic experiments giving away the Ringmaster’s plan, but are also trapped in a bunch of cylinders.

He comes in and explains how he’ll turn them into hybrid freaks and stick them in his performance just like that kid. Taz slobbers something unintelligible and disparaging, and Lexi adds, “I’m right there with you, [Taz].” That’s not funny either. You guys aren’t very good at this.

Otto throws the switch, but Wile E. shoots his handily-established jello gun up through a tube so it covers the gene-splitting machine, which explodes, leaving the Loonatics a bunch of mismatched freaks like the others. Although they conveniently still look a lot like themselves so there’s no trouble telling them apart.

This also mixed up everybody’s powers, so when they try to attack, nothing happens. Ringmaster summons his other monsters to “Round them up! All of them!” As opposed to just some of them?

Bugs, who’s saddled with Daffy’s energy egg-conjuring power, hits one charging monstrosity, attempting to quip, “Hope you like your eggs sunny-side up!” Whether that was supposed to be a joke or an action star one-liner, it was a pretty bad one.

Things continue in this vein. Daffy accidentally fries Roadrunner, which is okay because he has Wile E.’s healing power. But he still talks really fast, for some reason, even though somebody else has his speed powers. I even went back and watched his flashback from the last episode again; he talked at a normal speed before getting his powers. Watch it yourself if my word ain't good enough for you.

Lexi says that with everybody having everybody else’s powers, they’re not going to win this one. And she makes an attempt to link this show to the old ones with her disdain for her new “Pepe le Pew” look. Are the classic characters legends on Acmetropolis some seven and a half centuries later? If you're going to try to establish some kind of time line, let alone take the serious approach to your show, you should think about these things. Especially come second season.

Anyway, Bugs agrees. “I never thought I’d say this, but haul tail!” I’m surprised you don’t say it more often, with the competence on display. They escape into some sewers through a hole in the floor. After explaining everything we already figured out about how their mutations also swapped around their powers and a pointlessly quick fight with some kind of “gorilla-snake” (what’s that doing there? Does the Ringmaster drop his failed experiments down there or something?), Wile E. says they need a plan and Bugs shows us why he’s in charge.

Where do you see "gorilla" in that?

“The way I see it, we gotta somehow rebuild the Ringmaster’s sonic DNA scrambler, and reverse the transformation.”

Brilliant. Got any other brainstorms you want to toss out while you’ve got everybody’s attention, Glorious Leader?

Oh, and Lexi’s grossed out at being in the sewer and needs a bath ASAP. Because she’s a girl.

Somehow instinctively knowing their way around the Ringmaster’s gigantic ship, they find where the DNA machine is and Wile E. speeds off to fix it while the others try to hold off the guards. Bugs shows his razor-sharp tactical prowess once again with this little gem: “That’s it. We can beat these guys if we work together.” That’s just now coming to ya, huh?

The idiots have no trouble fighting with each other’s powers now, and after knocking out Ringmaster, Wile E. rebuilds the DNA gizmo into a portable gauntlet form in exactly four minutes. Please get your damn stories straight, show. Is he an accident-prone genius, or just a genius?

Anyway, Wile E. turns all the “galactic oddities,” his teammates, and the lizard-monkey thing back to normal. The lizard-monkey thing having been Zadavia the whole time. Okay, how did the bad guys capture her and turn her into a lizard-monkey? Did she step out for a night at the circus? Do other people know she’s in charge of the Loonatics?

Oh come on, how did that thing get up into a cage?

She semi-menacingly tells Daffy “We need to talk” over his previous treatment of her. No, Zadavia. You need to communicate better. She couldn’t like make a “Z” in the air with her fingers and then jump on one of the countless computers and type “I’m Zadavia, help me”? Nooooo, all she managed was pointing at the door out of the meeting room.

Closed door...

...opened door?

Ringmaster tries to run away, but when the Loonatics corner him, Otto whips out a remote control and turns his boss into a big cobra-lobster-octopus thingy. Otto declares that he is the real boss of this operation (Translation: They could only get Tim for this one episode). Which is why the Ringmaster acted like the boss when nobody else was around.

Wait, what?!

In the course of the fight both Wile E.’s DNA glove and Otto’s control are destroyed, but Wile E. remembers that it was a sonic DNA scrambler; they can undo its effects with a sonic boom. Sure, whatever. This involves Taz and Roadrunner going around Ringmaster in circles really fast, and for some damn reason the rest of them shooting their various energy blasts into the resultant tornado too.

This does does succeed in turning Ringmaster back to normal, and in the process also cripples the ship, which crashes into the ocean. How convenient. And in case you care, Wile E. stops the fleeing bad guys with his jello gun (where did that go while he was an alligator-zebra-coyote thing?).

Back at the base for the wrap-up, Zadavia’s thanking the Loonatics and is about to leave when Bugs tries to ask, several times, if maybe there’s somebody she wants a private word with. Okay, maybe there’s some small effort behind made to link him, personality-wise, to the original model. Except that as a pretty standard, non-Deadpool-esque superhero, it just ends up making him seem like an asshole.

She says no, then she leaves. Then she pops back in and does want to chew Daffy out for how he treated her as a disgusting lizard-monkey that couldn’t be bothered to communicate its identity to them.

Who are you and why do we listen to you again, Zadavia?

I'm finally off the first disc! Yay!